One of the top home projects that can quickly add beauty and elegance to your living space and increase the overall value of your home is adding a fireplace or renovating an existing fireplace.
Fireplaces are one of the most sought-after features of a home. Gas fireplaces, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular due to their low maintenance and environmental friendliness. However, before buying a gas fireplace or gas fireplace inserts in Indianapolis, here are some of the things you need to know.
What is a Gas Fireplace?
We’re glad you asked! Gas fireplaces burn a real flame that imitates the wood-burning fire of a traditional fireplace but without the hassles of burning wood. Instead, it burns propane or natural gas and provides the things we love about a traditional fireplace in a much more convenient package. Gas fireplaces warm our souls and provide an energy-efficient way to heat our homes and avoid spending more on the energy bill. Controlled by a switch or remote, you can turn up the heat or turn down the thermostat to reduce it. Some models will even allow you to control the intensity and height of the embers and flame – a kind of control over the fire ambiance and vibe that would make you feel like a wizard.Gas Fireplace Models and Their Starting MSRPs
Double-Sided Gas Fireplaces
- Mezzo Double Sided: Starting at $7,317
- Escape Double Sided: Starting at $11,167
- Primo II Double Sided: Starting at $9,409
Standard Gas Fireplaces
- Mezzo: Starting at $6,039
- Cosmo: Starting at $2,998
- Slim Line SL Fusion: Starting at $1,929
- True: Starting at $6,469
- Cerona: Starting at $6,108
- SlimLine SL: Starting at $2,198
- Supreme: Starting at $4,377
- Phoenix TrueView: Starting at $8,048
- Primo II Series: Starting at $7,789
- 6K Series: Starting at $3,029
- 8K Series: Starting at $3,879
Gas Inserts
- Escape Gas Insert: Starting at $3,629
- Cosmo Gas Insert: Starting at $3,009
- Supreme Gas Insert: Starting at $2,659
- Provident Gas Insert: Starting at $2,099
Free Standing Gas Stove
- Supreme Free Standing Gas Stove: Starting at $4,707